Wednesday, 7 November 2012: 1:45 PM
Symphony II (Loews Vanderbilt Hotel)
Several polarimetric signatures (e.g., ZDR arc, ρHV ring, ZDR tower, etc.) have been identified in observational data to be associated with deep moist convection in the works of other researchers. The increasing popularity of more sophisticated multi-moment microphysical schemes and the development of polarimetric radar emulators (both for bulk and spectral bin microphysics), as well as ever increasing computing resources, now allows one to retrieve the polarimetric representations of modeled convective storms. The present study examines the polarimetric structure of supercells simulated using a high-resolution numerical model as a function of different kinematic environments in an attempt to shed light on how observed polarimetric signatures can be affected by the environments in which they are observed. The time evolution of the signatures and convective storms is also examined.