Thursday, 8 November 2012: 4:00 PM
Symphony I and II (Loews Vanderbilt Hotel)
This is an overview presentation of a dataset of a supercell that produced an EF-5 tornado at close range. It was collected by RaXPol, a mobile, rapid-scan (mechanically scanning), X-band, polarimetric Doppler radar. The overall characteristics of the supercell and tornado will be highlighted. In addition, the evolution of the equivalent radar reflectivity factor, Doppler velocity, and polarimetric variables in and surrounding the tornado just above the ground will be illustrated via a sequence of data collected every two seconds. Of particular interest is the development of a narrow band of weak echo, which may have marked the leading edge of a secondary surge behind the leading edge of the RFD. A well-defined debris signature in rhohv was evident and there were indications of subsidiary vortices from time to time. A plan for analyzing the dataset and scientific objectives will be discussed.