I was a research coordinator / programmer on William Gray's tropical cyclone project for 18 years (1982-2000) and had been involved in the tropical community for 10 years by the time TSML was founded. I have been to many of the AMS hurricane meetings, and have had much interaction with many hurricane researchers.
Today the TSML has over 700 members all of whom I have screened by their education, career, and involvement in the tropical cyclone community. Chris Landsea is the co-founder of TSML and actively assists with list promotion and the screening of potential members when I need a second opinion. The co-founder of the Monsoon list (MML) is John McBride. It was John who thought that the success of TSML and its operational model would also provide benefits in the monsoon community. Today MML has almost 200 qualified members.
Every message, image or attachment posted to these mailing lists is being archived for future reference to changing information and ideas. These mailing lists require up to 200 hours per year to maintain.