Thursday, 27 April 2006: 2:45 PM
Regency Grand Ballroom (Hyatt Regency Monterey)
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Studies have shown that tropical cyclones tend to form in areas of weak vertical shear, specifically, less than 12.5 ms-1 between 850 hPa and 200 hPa. However, in 2002, Edouard was able to develop into a 55-kt. tropical storm off the East coast of Florida, despite environmental vertical shear (850-200 hPa) in excess of 13 ms-1. Although this peak intensity was achieved for only one 6-hour period, tropical storm intensity was maintained for nearly 72 hours. Edouard was able to produce deep convection until the vertical shear increased to roughly 25 ms-1.
Coastal radar, satellite imagery, lightning data, and nearly continuous data from U.S. Air Force reconnaissance flights will be used in order to better understand Edouard's behavior. The storm's mesoscale structure and evolution is investigated by constructing cross-sections of center passes by reconnaissance aircraft. This study will then draw conclusions about how and why Edouard intensified and then subsequently weakened in the presence of strong environmental vertical shear.