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Observations of tropical cyclone wind profile characteristics are taken from the extended best track data set of Pennington et al. (2000) and are used to drive the Holland (1980) wind profile model. Only storms that are close in intensity to the observed threshold tropical cyclone wind speed of 17.5 ms-1 are analysed, as these are appropriate to establish a threshold criterion. The resulting 2-D wind field is then averaged at various resolutions for numerous storms, to obtain a resolution-dependent threshold criterion. HRD wind analyses are also similarly analysed for comparison.
The results show a roughly linear dependence of the detection threshold on resolution. At 300 km resolution, a storm that barely exceeds the observed tropical cyclone maximum wind speed will have a typical maximum wind speed of about 10 ms-1. It is suggested that this resolution-appropriate criterion be used for establishing the actual numbers of tropical cyclones generated in a limited-resolution model, and thus also for comparing results of simulations using models of different resolutions. The use of this criterion will enable determination of whether a model is simulating too few or too many tropical cyclones, which will aid in the diagnosis of the results and build confidence in them.