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The modeled modes are of three types; fast gravity waves that resemble adiabatic modes with fundamental baroclinic vertical structure; convectively coupled gravity modes that are damped and move with a speed of 17 m/s; and a "moisture mode" which is normally stationary, but which propagates eastward under the influence of WISHE. This mode is unstable under the influence of CRI and gross moist instability.
The phase speed of convectively coupled gravity modes is close to observed speed of tropical Kelvin waves. This is a consequence of the dynamical structure of the model in which there are no a priori assumptions except the imposed vertical heating profile.
We believe that the moisture mode is related to the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO). Thus, for the first time we have a model that simultaneously captures the MJO and convectively coupled gravity waves, the latter of which map to Kelvin modes in the equatorial beta plane case. The damping of the convectively coupled gravity wave is the biggest flaw of the model and is perhaps due to the absence of convective available potential energy (CAPE) or convective inhibition (CIN) in our convective closure.