This paper investigates these issues through recent field research conducted by the Florida Coastal Monitoring Program (FCMP). The FCMP is a unique joint ventureled by wind engineering faculty at FIU, Clemson University and the University of Floridathat deploys mobile weather stations to measure ground-level wind speeds, instruments single-family housing to quantify wind pressure loading and conducts damage assessments to evaluate the performance of low-rise structures and the building codes and standards that guided their construction. The FCMP has collected 50+ observations in 20 named storms in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and North Carolina since 1998, including Dennis, Katrina, Rita and Wilma in 2005.
The current research infrastructure includes six 10-m mobile weather stations designed to withstand gust loading and debris generated by a strong Category 5 hurricane. The data acquisition system measures 3D wind speed and direction at 5- and 10-m and collects temperature, rainfall, barometric pressure, and relative humidity data at the tower's base. Research personnel can deploy a tower in less than 30 minutes and within the hour, begin transmitting summary data from anywhere in the field to emergency managers and meteorologists in real-time. These research activities support the Hurricane Research Division (HRD) and the National Hurricane Center (NHC). During landfall, the HRD compares and quality controls reconnaissance aircraft datawhich include flight-level, GPS sonde and stepped frequency microwave radiometer wind speed estimatesto wind speed data collected from FCMP weather stations erected near or at the coast. The NHC uses FCMP data to evaluate conditions at landfall and to verify its forecasts.
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