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Emanuel's MPI theory provides a quantitative estimate of the maximum intensity that a tropical cyclone could reach if certain atmospheric/oceanic conditions were satisfied. These conditions typically are not found in the natural environment, but can be satisfied in an idealized model environment. In order to more effectively judge the accuracy of each PBL scheme, an environment was created that was consistent with the assumptions underlying Emanuel's MPI theory. An initial vortex obtained from gridded analyses prior to the formation of hurricane Ivan (2004) was inserted within an observationally-based, idealized tropical testing environment, and WRF simulations were run for 20 days until a quasi-steady maximum intensity was attained. The sensitivity of the simulations to PBL scheme choice was examined. Preliminary results indicate that both PBL scheme choices produce simulations where the vortex exceeds the theoretical MPI, with the Mellor-Yamada-Janjic (MYJ) PBL scheme generally producing a system with a lower central pressure for simulations featuring 20 km grid spacing and using the Kain-Fritsch cumulus parameterization scheme.
The simulated storm's strength and structure showed marked sensitivity to the PBL scheme choice. In order to understand these differences, values of fluxes and other variables used in surface layer parameterizations are examined. Additional experiments document sensitivity of these results to horizontal and vertical resolution, as well as the inclusion of sea-spray effects.