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Tropical cyclone rainfall is an important contributor to the overall precipitation climatology of the Southeastern United States. The goal of this study is to develop a spatial and temporal climatology of tropical cyclone rainfall. The results of this climatology are stratified for the entire tropical cyclone season (Jun. through Nov.), the peak of the season (Aug. through Oct.), and each month of the season. Furthermore, within these time periods, the rainfall climatology is analyzed with respect to the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Atlantic multidecadal mode. Several characteristics of the rainfall are examined to determine various impacts such as changes in the intensity of tropical cyclone rainfall and the contribution of tropical cyclone rainfall to wet and dry spell periods. The resultant climatology should be useful to a variety of users. For instance, forecasters will benefit from a collection of quantified tropical cyclone rainfall statistics that could potentially improve seasonal outlooks. In addition, modelers who are attempting to more accurately simulate tropical cyclone rainfall, may find the historical climatology useful for validation purposes.