Over the central Bay of Bengal, the ISV appears and is maximal in May in relation with bogus monsoon onsets. For the Arabian Sea region, the ISV is for most years a single event in June that corresponds to the Indian monsoon onset and vanished afterward. The maximum amplitude for these two regions is reached before the deepening of the ocean mixed layer (as described by a mixed layer depth climatology) by the strong monsoon low-level jet. For other monsoon regions such as north of Australia and western Indian Ocean during boreal winter or over the South China Sea during boreal summer, the mixed layer depth remains relatively small and the ISV is distributed all along the monsoon season without any clear seasonal maximum. These results reinforce the hypothesis that the ISV could be mainly thermodynamically driven with a strong influence of air-sea coupling.
The impact of the SST on the ISV of the convection is further examined by performing the same seasonal ISV diagnostic for two ensembles of 9 simulations using the LMD GCM forced with SST from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission's (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) between 1998 and 2003 (and Reynolds SST poleward of 40°). The first ensemble is made with actual TMI SST dataset and the second one with the same SST time series filtered to retain periods larger than 90 days. Also, this seasonal ISV diagnostic is repeated for a coupled version of the LMD-GCM in order to inspect in more detail the link between the ocean mixed layer variability and the seasonal characteristics of the ISV of the convection.