Because the MJO problem is a common problem in many GCMs, our hypothesis is: The MJO problem is caused by some missing physics in current GCMs. I will discuss about a framework to synthesize the existing MJO theories, and to guide our search for the missing physical processes important for the MJO. Our parallel diagnostics of observational data (satellite, field experiment, and reanalyses) and GCM simulations have revealed three missing physical processes that are likely important for the MJO. They include:
(1) Convective downdrafts (especially unsaturated); (2) Mesoscale updrafts/downdrafts; (3) Control of deep convection by lower tropospheric moisture; and (4) Convective momentum transport by shallow convection
It would be interesting to install these missing physics into GCMs and test their impacts on the MJO simulation. Some improvements are demonstrated using GCM sensitivity experiments.