Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Capitol Ballroom AB (Madison Concourse Hotel)
A mesoscale convective system (MCS) passed through central Oklahoma on the morning of 12 June 2014. Data were collected by a mobile, rapid-scan, X-band, polarimetric Doppler radar (RaXPol) positioned 20 kilometers southwest of the Twin Lakes WSR-88D (KTLX) radar. Using RaXPol, RHIs (vertical cross sections) were collected every 4 seconds for 31 minutes at 75m range resolution to document the passage of the preceding gust front, and then at 30 m range resolution for 5 minutes to sample the detailed vertical structure of the approaching MCS. Full, 360 degree PPI scans were then collected continuously for 50 minutes, every 2 seconds, every 2 degrees up to 30 degrees above radar level at 30m range resolution. The vertical scans collected show two distinct elevated scattering layers ahead of the leading edge of the squall line that appear to have been lifted up and over the density current. Dual-Doppler analyses based on KTLX and RaXPol velocity data were performed, and the results will be presented. This analysis will attempt to assess the effect of this density current on the near-storm environment, specifically its two-layer structure, and its relationship (if any) to MCS maintenance.