Tuesday, 29 April 2008: 2:30 PM
Palms E (Wyndham Orlando Resort)
This study focuses on the effects of two different cumulus parameterizations and two different radiation schemes on tropical cyclone frequency and structure in a coupled global climate model, the Florida State University Coupled Global Spectral Model. The model, run at resolution T63, simulates the global climate for 90 days initialized at 12Z on July 29 for each of the years analyzed. The FSUCGSM allows for a choice of one of two cumulus parameterizations and one of two radiation schemes. The two cumulus parameterizations are a modified Kuo scheme and a modified Arakawa-Schubert scheme. The two radiation schemes are an absorptivity-emissivity model and a band model. Using objectively defined model- and basin-dependent thresholds will allow for the detection and analysis of tropical cyclones in each configuration of the model. In terms of structure, it is found that for a given radiation scheme, tropical cyclones in configurations using the Kuo cumulus parameterization have the ability to become more intense than those forming in the configurations using the Arakawa-Schubert cumulus parameterization. It is also found that tropical cyclones in the configurations using the band model display a more realistic heating structure in the vertical. In terms of the frequency of storms predicted per year, the configuration of the FSUCGSM that pairs the Kuo cumulus scheme with the band model produces the most accurate results when analyzing the entire forecast period and shows skill against climatology-persistence forecasts.