Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Palms ABCD (Wyndham Orlando Resort)
The differences in the temporal evolution and spatial characteristics of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) between positive and negative events with and without ENSO have been investigated using observations for the period 1948-2002. To document such differences is particularly important for climate forecasts over Far East Asia, since distinctly different monsoon activities over China, Korea and Japan for different types of IOD are found in the composite maps of precipitation anomalies. The composite map of SST and wind during various stages of IOD and the ocean mixed layer heat budget showed that the IOD with and without ENSO has a large difference in its temporal evolutions and their triggering mechanisms. In both negative and positive IOD events without ENSO, the wind anomaly in the eastern Indian Ocean seems to be responsible for the formation of sea surface temperature anomalies, while the anomaly in the western Indian Ocean seems to be the oceanic dynamical response to the anomaly in the east. During the ENSO years, the temporal and spatial contrast of the asymmetry of the IOD evolution is smaller, and the SST anomaly is driven by the anomalies in incoming radiation due to changes in cloudiness caused by the ENSO associated anomalous atmospheric circulations and not by the local wind anomalies.