Handout (32.6 kB)
Pielke and Landsea's (1998) methodology of normalizing hurricane damages to correct for annual changes in wealth, inflation, and coastal population is utilized in order to compare TCs on an equal dollar value. Observations of thirteen parameters from the Extended Best Track (EBT) dataset are organized by time prior to TC landfall, then plotted against the normalized damage data in a series of scatterplots. A new duration parameter for each of the EBT parameters is created by averaging observation values over varying time intervals prior to landfall. These duration parameters are also plotted against damage totals, and all scatterplot data is subjected to regression analysis to determine the strength of correlation between each atmospheric parameter and resultant storm damage.
The goal of this study is to isolate those atmospheric parameters whose values remain most consistent up to three days prior to TC landfall. Such parameters, once isolated, would not only serve as reliable predictors of TC damage, but they could also provide a basis for a more accurate future TC rating scale.