We use the simplified model of the convectively coupled waves in first two baroclinic vertical modes developed in Kuang 2007, extended to the equatorial beta plane. The convective parameterization for this model is based upon the quasi-equilibrium concept. The inclusion of tropospheric moisture as an input to the convection calculation to represent the effect of lateral entrainment of the (generally) drier tropospheric air into a rising convective cloud, controls the depth of convection.
The linear instability spectrum of the resulting coupled system is found by eigenvalue analysis. We use realistic model parameters estimated from cloud system resolving model (CSRM) studies of the convectively coupled waves. The instability analysis produces unstable waves with phase speeds, growth rates and structures (vertical and horizontal) that compare well with the results from CSRM simulations and observations.
The linear system shows peak unstable Kelvin waves around planetary wavenumber seven with peak growth rates of 0.09/day (e-folding time of eleven days). The system also shows unstable Mixed Rossby Gravity (MRG) and Inertia-Gravity waves with significant growth in the wavenumber range from negative ten to positive ten. The peak MRG growth rate is around one third that of the Kelvin wave and occurs at planetary wavenumber three.
This demonstrates that one aspect of the convectively coupled waves which cannot be captured without a beta plane (or some other representation of meridional variation) is the instability's dependence upon wave type. We believe this is related to the differing roles of divergent and rotational flows in the convective parameterization. We further conducted analytical investigation of simplified cases to explore the details of the mechanisms responsible for wave number and wave type selection in the instability spectrum.