In conjunction with appearance of a shallow but distinct low-level wind maximum within Rita's nascent outer eyewall, volumetric ELDORA velocity data reveal coherent curvilinear vorticity structures that arced radially outward and downshear with height. With an observed separation in the range of 5-10 km, these prominent modulations of the velocity field are distinct from more tightly spaced (sub-kilometer scale) boundary-layer rolls previously observed during the landfall phase of some storms. Although they appear to extend to appreciable heights (> 10 km MSL), these alternating cyclonic/anticyclonic vorticity bands are distinct from more vertically erect (and locally more intense) cyclonic maxima observed at this time in the mixing zone along the inner edge of Rita's primary eyewall. On the whole, however, the outer eyewall exhibited far less smooth and less circularly-symmetric velocity structure than did the inner eyewall. The outer eyewall was characterized by multiple convective-scale velocity maxima (corresponding to the aforementioned banded vorticity structures) These observations suggest that an active axisymmetrization process was spinning up the secondary wind maximum (e.g., Moeller and Montgomery, 1999). The potential relationship of these newly observed secondary eyewall structures to simulated vortex Rossby wave dynamics unique to the beta skirt region (Terwey and Montgomery, 2007) will also be explored.
Moeller, J.D., and M.T. Montgomery, 1999: Vortex Rossby waves and hurricane intensification in a barotropic model. J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 1674-1687.
Terwey, W.D., and M.T. Montgomery, 2007:Secondary eyewall formation in two idealized, full-physics modeled hurricanes. J. Geoph. Res. (submitted).