tendencies of circulation and moist entropy in developing and mature
tropical cyclones observed during the IFEX 2005 project. The
circulation around a system equals the area integral of vorticity
inside the circulation loop. The boundary layer circulation is
increased by the convergence of environmental vorticity and decreased
by surface friction. The former is estimated as the product of the
mass convergence obtained from the dropsonde data and the ambient
planetary vorticity while the latter is estimated by assuming that
surface stress is distributed uniformly through the planetary boundary
layer. The entropy flow through the lateral boundaries is
characterized as the sum of a part associated with the mass
convergence-divergence couplet and a part due to the ventilation of
the system by the ambient wind blowing relative to the moving cyclone.
The former contribution can only be computed from dropsondes deployed
from high altitude by the G-IV. However since the most important
ventilation is likely to occur in the low to middle troposphere, the
P-3 dropsondes (typically deployed from about 600 hPa) are useful in
computing the ventilation term. We will discuss results from storms
well-observed during IFEX, such as Dennis, as well as others for which
ample observations were made during the extraordinary summer of 2005.