Session 5D.4 Tropical instability waves and ITCZ breakdown

Tuesday, 29 April 2008: 8:15 AM
Palms I (Wyndham Orlando Resort)
Maria K. Flatau, NRL, Monterey, CA; and F. X. Giraldo

Presentation PDF (98.9 kB)

We introduce the hypothesis that SST anomalies related to Tropical Instability Waves, that develop in the Eastern Pacific during Boreal Summer, can influence the tropical cyclogenesis in this region. We examine the case study of TC Alvin that developed on May 26 2007. The presence of intense TIW at this time influenced the wind, moisture and rainfall pattern in equatorial Eastern Pacific . The influence of this interaction on ITCZ breakdown and cyclogenesis is investigated using the shallow water version of the Navy Spectral Element Atmospheric Model (NSEAM).
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