Over the past 5 years, the University of Wisconsin has been experimenting with assessing the impact of this instrument on the potential for cloud resolving assimilation of tropical cyclone internal structure. For this, OSSE experiments are being conducted, based on the application of NIS to a cloud resolving assimilation system using an EnKf technique. Numerical cloud resolving prediction of the resulting initial ensemble forward in time, are used to create a probabilistic forecast and evaluate the impact of NIS on the forecast.
Results of OSSEs are very promising, indicating a strong likelihood that the storm internal structure can be initialized with good fidelity, leading to impressive gains in accuracy of prediction of hurricane structure and overall intensity. Ongoing studies are experimenting further with a variety of storm conditions and to evaluate the value gained in the context of other low earth orbit satellite based microwave, radar and IR measurements, such as TRMM and SSMI, AMSR as well as observations of the operational GOES platforms. Additional OSSE experiments are being conducted to study closely the relationship between possible improvements or compromises on NIS pixel size, scan frequency and additional capabilities on even greater improvements.