Monday, 28 April 2008: 9:15 AM
Floral Ballroom Jasmine (Wyndham Orlando Resort)
Presentation PDF (823.6 kB)
If you've ever used a quantum sensor, or measured the LAI of a plant canopy, or lugged around a portable photosynthesis system, then you are likely the beneficiary of just some of John Norman's work in instrumentation. In his nearly 40 year career of trying to understand plants and their environment through modeling and measurements, John's boundless creativity and enthusiasm have never let lack of available instrumentation stop him for long. He leaves behind an impressive wake of gadgets and devices. Some were simple but clever, others less so. Most served their purpose, and provided the missing information being sought. Some of his devices have gone on to world-wide success, while others are found only in the dust of former students' memories. John's legacy, however, is clear, and goes well beyond instrumentation: he is a joyful, creative resource, as all who have had the privilege of knowing him can attest.