of anthropogenic nutrients to terrestrial ecosystems. Urbanization in
arid regions magnifies the impact of atmosphere-land exchange by dry
deposition. This additional atmospheric N is eventually deposited to
the biosphere where it may affect receptor ecosystems. Dry deposition
fluxes of gaseous and particulate nitrogen were measured in the
Phoenix, Arizona, metropolitan area in order to examine patterns of
nitrogen deposition at urban-influenced Sonoran desert sites.
Micrometeorological measurements were made at one Sonoran desert site
to estimate deposition velocities from meteorological data collected
at each sites. Concentrations of N-containing species were measured
periodically in January, May, and September at three Sonoran desert
sites located upwind, within, and downwind of the Phoenix urban core.
Gas phase nitric acid and ammonia were monitored using denuder
samplers. Nitrate and ammonium associated with fine and coarse
particles were monitored using filter samplers. Modeled deposition
velocities and measured concentrations were then used to infer dry
deposition fluxes. Characteristic inferred nitrogen deposition fluxes
were 0.92, 2.28, and 1.47 kg/(ha y) at the upwind, core, and downwind
sites, respectively. The main contributors to nitrogen flux were
nitric acid and ammonia. Total deposition was an order of magnitude
lower than previous estimates based on air quality modeling of high
pollution episodes.