The investigation shows, until the moment, that gust winds above 20 ms-1 could be generated by Squall Lines and somes cells embedded in it. Supercells and tornadoes were found in radar data and in photoes, respectively, but its winds were not recorded in the anemometers installed in towers. Since february 2016, the maximum wind registered was 27.6 ms-1 at 28m. It was generated by a convective-cell embedded in a Squall Line. By the radar data it could be found that the registered winds were located in the northeast flank of the storm indicating it could be generated more intense gusts below the high-reflectivity areas. In radial velocity it was found strong divergence signatures and some anticyclonic rotation at low levels. The simulations of this event is detailed in another article in this conference by Inoue et al.
A tentative of associating reflectivity intensity and radial velocity with wind gusts registered in towers has been made in the project. Despite the statistics was poor yet, it was possible to find some qualitative evidences between weak reflectivity signals and moderate gust measurements (10 to 15 ms-1). High wind peaks (20 – 27 ms-1) were associated with strong long-lived squall lines and with severe convection in cold fronts. During the development and propagation of an extratropical cyclone at South Atlantic Ocean in 25-26 April 2016, 15-20 ms-1 wind gusts were registered in all anemometers in all levels, opening an evidence that this phenomenon should be considered in the studies, specially if the propagation comes inland.
Another interesting result found in the campaign was that during events with strong gusts (greater than 15 ms-1) the vertical structure of the wind becomes linear, probably due to the propagation of the gust fronts. Therefore, while the average wind profile has an exponential shape, during the storms the profile shift to linear with similar values from the 10m up to 44m level.
The results of QPE during the severe storms propagation show a high-dependence of the rain gauge information because the reflectivity-only could overestimate to an unreal values. At this moment, a dual-pol R-Z relationship have been tested to improve the rainfall estimations in severe storms events.
So, more results of the measurements are expected, mainly in austral spring season when the most explosive and intense phenomenon occur, to improve the observed sample and data to be used in studies and simulations.