Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Broadway Rooms (Hilton Portland )
This presentation describes a method for studying the internal structure of tornado-like vortices using large-eddy simulation (LES). Initial conditions are first generated numerically using a “precursor simulation” with an axisymmetric model that has parameterized turbulence. A three-dimensional simulation is then integrated simply using these initial conditions plus random initial perturbations. With this approach the inner core of the simulated vortex becomes turbulent, but the inflowing near-surface flow remains laminar and thus the parameterized turbulence model accounts for most of the vertical momentum flux (in violation of LES assumptions). To overcome this problem, a second “precursor simulation” is conducted in which turbulence develops within a small-domain LES. Perturbation flow fields from the small-domain LES are then added (i.e., “injected”) into the large-domain LES at a specified radius. With this approach, inflowing air near the surface becomes (and remains) turbulent, consistent with LES principles. Near-surface inflow tends to be deeper and weaker, and inner-core vortex structure changes substantially, when turbulence is injected.