A C-band Doppler radar of Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), which is located at Fukuoka, about 130km south east of the area of the marine accidents, detected a spiral-shaped reflectivity pattern associated with a convective system to the east of Tsushima island at around 0300 JST. The convective system propagated northward with time. At 0320 JST, a couplet of positive and negative Doppler velocities exceeding 50 m s-1 started to be observed near the center of the spiral-shaped reflectivity pattern, which later transformed into a circular reflectivity pattern with an eye-like weak echo region at the center by 0400 JST.
A numerical simulation using JMA Non-hydrostatic Model (JMANHM) with horizontal resolution of 2km and 50 vertical levels successfully reproduced the mesoscale vortex. The simulated vortex had a diameter of about 10-50 km, and was formed in the northeast quadrant of the extratropical cyclone at around 0300 JST. It had a warm core structure at low levels. The vortex developed between 0330 and 0400 JST and the associated wind exceeded 20 m s-1 near the surface. An additional numerical simulation with a finer horizontal resolution have been performed to clarify more detailed structure and evolution of the vortex and to reproduce small-scale features that caused the damaging gusty wind. The results of the additional experiment will be presented at the conference.