The goal of this study is to better understand offshore deep convection during the intense observation period IOP16a, on the 26/10/2012. The major initiation and maintenance mechanisms for this case study are the low level convergence between a moist and unstable south-easterly low-level jet and a south westerly flow. The existence of a low-level cooling in the north-western part of the system also appears to be involved in the development of the mesoscale convective system.
Sensitivity experiments were performed with the mesoscale non-hydrostatic french model to examine the impact of an increasing horizontal resolution, ranging from 2.5km to 500m and 150m, to avoid the grey-zone of the turbulence. Sensitivity to mixing length formulation is also assessed in this study. Special attention will be paid to microphysical processes and dynamics of the convective system. The HyMeX SOP1 observation dataset enables to assess the quality of the numerical simulations.