Hazard Services will be one common interface and process, and will preserve the efficiency of existing applications while leveraging advanced methods for more robust capabilities. This includes a “recommender framework” that greatly extends the flexibility of the logic that can be used for determining hazard message content and character. Output from various sources such as radar, satellite, NWP, etc. can be incorporated into the logic. In addition, extensive flexibility will be built into the format options of the products or messages that are transmitted or delivered (e.g., XML, CAP, graphical, Twitter feed, etc.). A foundational goal of the project is for Hazards Services to be information-centric vs. product-centric.
The Hazard Services program is a joint effort between the Global Systems Division (GSD) of the NOAA/OAR/ESRL, Raytheon Omaha, and the NWS AWIPSII Program. The National Severe Storms Lab (NSSL) has already, and will continue to provide significant contributions to future capabilities designed to create probabilistic hazard information for severe convective phenomenon.
This presentation will provide an overview of the Hazard Services program with an emphasis on issuing probabalistic convective warnings, and how it fits into the vision of the future warning services, including the Forecasting a Continuum of Threats (FACETs) concepts.