Precipitation associated to TCs may be quite destructive in some regions. For example in the USA, they are at the origin of 600 deaths between 1970 and 1999 meaning 57% of the deaths due to hurricane (Rappaport, 2000). Thus associated rainfall is a relevant topic for climate change studies. We adressed this question in this study, analysing the TCs rainfall from the high resolution climate model from CNRM, ARPEGE.
We also defined what could be called the "TC precipitation efficiency" (TCPE) as the mean precipitation per TC day over each grid point. We investigated the ability of the model to represent this variable using both tracking and composite methodologies developped in Chauvin et al.(2006).
K.-M. Lau, Y.P. Zhou and H.-T Wu, 2008: Have tropical cyclones been feeding more extreme rainfall ? J. Geophys. Res., 113, D23113, doi: 10.1029/2008JD009963. Chauvin F., J.F. Royer and M. Deque, 2006: Response of hurricane type vortices to global warming as simulated by ARPEGE-Climat at high resolution. Clim. Dyn., 27(4), 377-399. IPCC, 2007: The physical science basis, in: S. Solomon et al., Cambridge University Press. Rappaport E.N., 2000: Loss of life in the United States associated with recent Atlantic tropical cyclones. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 81, 2065-2073.