Thursday, 13 May 2010
Arizona Ballroom 7 (JW MArriott Starr Pass Resort)
Previous study, mostly based on the time period of the TOGA-COARE, had reported that the diabatic heating profile exhibits a westward tilt between inactive and active phases of the MJO. We attempt to verify this using diabatic heating (Q1) calculated from four global reanalysis data. Compositions of heating profiles were made as functions of MJO phases based on the Wheeler and Hendon RMM index. The preliminary results show commonalities and discrepancies among the four reanalysis data. In the same dataset, the structural evolution of the heating profile may depend on longitudes. Generally speaking, heating profiles in these datasets show a westward tilt tendency over the West Pacific. Over the Indian Ocean and Maritime Continent, however, this westward tile tendency exists only in some data sets and in others there might be an eastward tilt. Our results indicate that the vertical structural evolution of diabatic heating associated with the MJO needs to be further scrutinized.