Briefly, SMARTS was calculated from the monthly GDEM and WOA climatologies by applying a 15-day running average to eliminate discontinuities when transitioning between months. Daily mean isotherm depths of the 20ºC (D20) and 26ºC (D26) (and their mean ratio), reduced gravity (e.g., 2-layer model), mixed layer depth (MLD), and OHC were estimated from the blended climatology. Using SMARTS with satellite-derived surface height anomaly and SST fields, daily values of D20, D26, MLD, and OHC have been calculated from 1998 to 2009 using a two-layer model approach. Airborne and ship-deployed eXpendable BathyThermographs (XBT), long-term moorings, and Argo profiling floats provide the in-situ data to assess the SMARTS Climatology, calculated isotherm depths, and OHC. This climatology creates a more accurate estimation of OHC from satellite measurements, which can then be used in hurricane intensity forecasts from the Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme.