Contoured frequency by altitude/time diagrams are used to characterize the vertical distributions and evolution of simulated vertical velocity prior to and during RI and refine interpretation of the vertical structure of convective bursts and associated reflectivity. By analyzing distributions of vertical velocity at discrete height levels, relationships between convective bursts and RI are not subject to column-confined averages and arbitrary thresholds commonly used to identify the former. These diagrams show unique changes in the breadth of vertical velocity distributions, and thus the structures of convective bursts, that evolve with RI. Although upper-tropospheric vertical velocity distributions continually broaden (e.g., 99.9th percentile vertical velocity continually increases) during the ~24-h period prior to the onset of RI, lower-to-mid-level distributions exhibit this trend only after the onset of and during RI. While upper-tropospheric vertical velocity distributions transition from broadening to narrowing at the onset of RI, the distribution tails continue to converge toward the vortex center. Decrease in the 99.9th percentile vertical velocity, and thus reduced frequency of convective bursts, during RI appears to be related to enhanced precipitation loading. It is shown that the magnitude, vertical extent, duration, and inner-core proximity of convective bursts and associated microphysical cloud properties exhibit unique trends with some interpretations of RI.