To more thoroughly understand the mechanism for the deepening, the redevelopment of TY Sinlaku from a decaying system under (moderate-to-) high shear (0000 UTC 16 September 2008) to a warm-core typhoon (0000 UTC 18 September 2008) is examined using European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model analyses and observations from the THORPEX Pacific Asian Regional Campaign (T-PARC) and Tropical Cyclone Structure 2008 (TCS-08) field programs. Fortunately, the increase in convection that occurred close to the low-level TC center and was associated with the re-intensification to typhoon intensity occurred during aircraft missions conducted by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) P-3 and the USAF 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron WC-130J. The Electra Doppler Radar (ELDORA) was operated on the NRL P-3 and provided high-resolution reflectivity, and winds from 1-17 km in the vertical. In addition to the identification of a severely tilted TC vortex, the ELDORA observations identify a series of low- and mid-level vortices associated with the convection along the eastern portion of the TC.
Through the combination of ELDORA observations, dropwindsonde data, and ECMWF model fields, the character of the interaction between the convection and the tilted TC vortex is examined. In particular, the role(s) of the vertical distribution of vorticity contained in the deep convection is examined in terms of re-organizing the tilted vortex to an upright circulation that intensified to typhoon strength. The overall combination of vertical wind shear, TC vortex, and deep convective activity provided for a unique interaction among synoptic-scale, storm-scale, and mesoscale factors. Finally, the impact of the structural changes of Sinlaku as a source of eddy kinetic energy for downstream development will be examined.