Monday, 4 June 2018: 10:30 AM
Colorado A (Grand Hyatt Denver)
AccuWeather’s award winning SkyGuard® service protects people and company assets, prevents unnecessary shutdowns, improves financial performance, and reduces risk. On July 19, catastrophe was averted due to the exceptional work of AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions (AES) Certified Storm Warning Meteorologists. A series of moisture-rich thunderstorms moved over Ferromex rail track in north central Mexico, causing flash flooding across the area. This flash flooding washed out a segment of railroad track that was 45 feet deep and 200 feet long and would have derailed a train in an instant. Fortunately, that segment of track had been under a Flash Flood Warning issued by AES Certified Storm Warning Meteorologists, and the railroad company was able to pull the track from service until it could be repaired, ensuring no train crossed the track. This story is a prime example of the work that is done by AES meteorologists on a regular basis and led to the 2018 AMS Award for Exceptional Specific Prediction. The success of this and thousands of other lifesaving warnings is credited to the training and expertise of AES meteorologists, the development of client relationships, and unique data analysis tools and techniques. Along with a practiced pattern recognition, and extensive knowledge of geography and terrain, AccuWeather forecasters also synthesize an immense amount of meteorological data to determine the what type of warning to issue and when. Each warning is tailored to carefully developed and integrated client thresholds, in accordance with their procedures to help minimize downtown, while still ensuring employee safety. The rigorous certification process to becoming a Storm Warning Meteorologist is one-of-a-kind, and enables AES meteorologists to accurately and precisely keep our clients out of harm’s way. The specific flash flood event of July 19, 2013 will be discussed along with how AccuWeather meteorologists routinely issue life-saving warnings to clients.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner