Probability matching is often applied to produce ensemble mean precipitation forecasts with greater skill than a simple ensemble mean, but the probability-matched mean often suffers from a lack of small-scale structure, and its output is sensitive to the size of the model domain. To address these shortcomings in the probability-matched mean, a patchwise algorithm for producing a localized probability-matched ensemble mean (LPM) was developed, and was applied during FFaIR to produce forecasts of accumulated precipitation. To calculate the LPM, the domain is divided into a set of rectangular local patches, with each patch centered within a larger, rectangular calculation area. The patches do not overlap, but the calculation areas of adjacent or nearby patches do overlap; in other words, the LPM mean at all the grid points within a given local patch uses the same set of precipitation data, taken from the larger calculation area.
Precipitation forecasts from the CAPS storm-scale ensemble will be compared to operational forecasts produced using HRRR and HREFv2, as well as verified objectively. The LPM will be compared to other ensemble mean products, and to forecasts of individual ensemble members. Compared to neighborhood-based localized PM mean algorithms where a unique PM calculation is performed at each model grid point, the patchwise LPM produces comparable results at much lower computational expense. Compared to the simple ensemble mean and the conventional PM mean, LPM mean exhibits improved retention of small-scale structures, evident in both 2D forecast fields and variance spectra.