We perform the OSSE over the state of Oklahoma where we assume that an sUAS could be launched from each of the 121 Oklahoma Mesonet stations every hour, fly vertically to an assigned height and return to its charging station, providing soundings at a 35 km horizontal resolution. We begin with a case study of convective initiation (CI) as a compromise between a fair weather day and one with extensive convection. The OU ARPS model provides a nature run at high (1 km) resolution, while the control run and OSSE experiments are done with the WRF model at 3 km. To simulate the effect of the dozens of observing systems used by operational centers, the nature run data volume is sampled frequently and inserted into the control run via a 6-hr data assimilation (DA) period. Simulated UAS temperature, moisture and wind profiles, with expected errors, are then added to the DA, followed by 12-hr forecasts. The analyses and forecasts are examined to assess the added value of sUAS data. Various experiments can be run with different UAS sampling frequencies and densities, as well as different maximum heights. Initial results clearly show an improved boundary layer structure and subsequent CI location and timing when simulated sUAS data are added to the control experiment.