These data are provided at a much higher density than conventional automated aircraft data from commercial airlines, so further averaging is applied to level-flight data to yield 2.5 min or 25 km spacing. The HDOB pre-processing also included checking for egregious errors (e.g., constant values, spikes, missing data) prior to averaging. An algorithm was also devised to exclude HDOB data in the center of tropical systems, based on the magnitude of the along-track gradient in estimated surface pressure. Details of this pre-processing will be presented at the conference.
Experiments were run with the U.S. Navy's mesoscale 3DVAR data assimilation (NAVDASNRL Atmospheric Variational Data Assimilation System) and numerical weather prediction model (COAMPS®--Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System) for Hurricane Earl in late August-early September 2010. The control experiment was configured to mimic the operational run, with additional experiments adding HDOB data with and without the tropical cyclone synthetic observations. Observation impact experiments were also run with a one-nest version of COAMPS®; these showed a dramatic beneficial per-ob impact for the HDOB data. Details of the experiments and observation impacts will be shown.