The evolution of mesoscale features during formation of trade wind surge TCs is examined. Various satellite datasets show similar mesoscale patterns during their formations. A few convective lines form by convergence between the trade wind surges and the strengthening cyclonic circulation associated with incipient vortex within the 24 hours before formation. Some mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are embedded in the convective line with life times of about 5 hours in the begining stage, and these are illustrated through case studies. Formations usually occur when the trade winds start to decrease in magnitude and a short period after the major episodes of convection in the convective lines and mesoscale convective systems. The relationships between the temporal variability of synoptic-scale trade wind surges, the mesoscale features and associated TC formations are discussed.
The formation process is simulated using WRF. Results show that WRF model can simulate reasonably well the evolution of the mesoscale convections and the development of the pre-TC disturbance. The merging of the strong vorticity patches (of the MCSs) results in the concentration and increase of low-level vorticity as well as the development of the disturbance.