This presentation will provide an overview of advancements to the HWRF-POM coupled modeling system, with special emphasis on changes to model configuration and physics suitable for higher resolution. These include implementation of a new centroid based vortex tracking algorithm, re-design of the operational HWRF initialization procedure with improved interpolation algorithms, implementation of new GFS PBL and Shallow Convection parameterization schemes, modifications to Ferrier Microphysics scheme and further advancements to air-sea physics and ocean coupling.
Details of computational efficiency experiments will be discussed along with a detailed pre-implementation strategy adopted for 2012 hurricane season. Preliminary results indicate significant improvements in track and intensity forecast skill compared to current operational HWRF. Better representation of hurricane structure is expected as a result of the higher resolution, advanced physics and improved vortex initialization procedures. High-resolution model diagnostics will be presented with a focus on comparisons to available aircraft and remotely sensed observations.