A limited analysis of Central American gyres suggests that their spatial scales vary between 1500-2000 km. These gyres also tend to be co-located with reservoirs of deep moisture that are characterized by high precipitable water values (>50 mm) and embedded deep convection on their southern and eastern sides. Catastrophic flooding can occur when the gyre circulation, containing this deep reservoir of tropical moisture and convection, interacts with the high and rugged terrain of Central America.
The purpose of this presentation will be to present a Central American gyre climatology to include gyre frequency, duration, and intensity. The climatology will include an evaluation of how TC genesis occurs in gyre environments. Emphasis will also be placed on documenting and understanding gyre formation and evolution, including the role of tropical and mid-latitude circulations in the process. The impact of local and regional Central American topography in enhancing cyclonic vorticity within a gyre will also be considered. Gyre development and evolution will also be analyzed within the context of synoptic, intraseasonal, and interannual circulations in the tropics to include convectively coupled Kelvin waves, the Madden-Julian Oscillation, and the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO).