|  | 2A.3 | The wind structure associated with convective features along the inner edge of the hurricane eyewall Michael L. Black, NOAA/AOML/HRD, Miami, FL; and P. P. Dodge, J. F. Gamache, F. D. Marks, and J. L. Franklin |
| 4:15 PM | 2A.4 | Estimating vertical velocity in a hurricane with single-dopplar radar data Jin-Luen Lee, NOAA/FSL, Boulder, CO; and W. C. Lee and A. E. MacDonald |
| 4:28 PM | 2A.5 | Using a single-Doppler radar wind retrieval technique to examine structural changes in Hurricane Danny (1997) Shirley T. Murillo, NOAA/AOML/HRD, Miami, FL; and W. C. Lee, F. D. Marks, and P. Dodge |
| 4:43 PM | 2A.6 | Observation of Hurricane Georges with a VHF wind profiler and The San Juan NexRad radar over Puerto Rico Edwin F. Campos, Instituto Meteorologico Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica; and M. Petitdidier and C. Ulbrich |
| 4:58 PM | 2A.7 | Typhoons observed by the radar network of Taiwan in 1996-2000 Ben Jong-Dao Jou, National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan |
| 5:13 PM | 2A.8 | Orographic effects on typhoon Herb (1996) Tai-Chi Chen Wang, National Central Univ., Chung-Li, Taiwan; and J. H. Teng and Y. F. Sun |