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For rain, the TOGA-COARE airborne microphysical data, and various sites of disdrometer data in the tropics and at mid latitude are investigated. It is shown that the intrinsic shape of the DSD is remarkably stable, while N0* is extremely variable: its variability covers two decades, nevertheless centered on Marshall and Palmer's. In addition N0* shows a distinct behavior according rain is stratiform and convective rain.
For ice clouds the airborne microphysical data investigated are CEPEX, CLARE 98, and CARL, 99. Similar features are found: the intrinsic shape of the particle size distribution (PSD) is quite stable while N0* is extremely variable (over 4 to 5 decades) for clouds. It seems that when aggregation occurs N0* decreases downward to reach values similar to Marshall-Palmer's when approaching the 0° isotherm.
Because the shape of the DSD (or PSD) is quite stable, N0* suffices to describe its variability. It is shown that "normalized" cloud and rain relations may be established that are parameterized by N0*. These relationships are "universal" in the sense that they apply to any situation, whatever be the type of rain or climate. Thus any remote sensing technique and associated algorithm (dual polarization radar, cloud radar and lidar combination) able to retrieve N0* will be able to perform cloud parameter retrieval not subject to DSD or PSD variability.