Handout (110.0 kB)
In this study, the accuracy of wind fields derived from a bistatic Doppler network is investigated theoretically, and is evaluated using observation data in CASES 97. Based on a mathematical examination, the square root error of the synthesized horizontal wind vectors is less than three times of observed Doppler velocities within a range of 40 < beta < 140 degree. The minimum error appears at beta=100 degree where beta is an angle between transmitter-target and receiver-target. There is a little variance-error of synthesizing velocities observed by the bistatic Doppler network, because all Doppler velocities are measured from individual volumes simultaneously. While, a bistatic radar equation including the bistatic resolution volume, the polarization scattering angle, and the estimated bistatic antenna-pattern leads to the corrected bistatic reflectivity and the minimum detectable reflectivity. These results can help to eliminate sidelobe contamination. Finally, practical wind accuracy is investigated using both convective and stratiform echoes. In strong convective echoes, the sidelobe contamination is the prime cause of the wind error. In week stratiform echoes, the minimum detectable power dominates the wind accuracy.