We address this knowledge gap with simultaneous observations of climate, eddy covariance vapor flux, and streamflow in a subalpine forest ecosystem for three years following a severe (75% lodgepole pine mortality) bark beetle infestation in the central Rocky Mountains of Wyoming, and we compare the results to an undisturbed control ecosystem. Effective precipitation was quantified using multiple precipitation gauges and distributed surveys of peak snowpack to assess winter sublimation vapor losses prior to snowmelt. Effective precipitation was unaltered by the forest mortality, as reduced interception was compensated by increased snowpack sublimation. Annual vapor flux from the control ecosystem was relatively insensitive to annual climate differences, varying only from 573 to 623 mm, while the disturbed ecosystem was larger and more variable, ranging from 569 to 700 mm. Both direct streamflow observations and calculated residual streamflow from eddy covariance (Precipitation Water Vapor Flux) agreed in showing a decline in annual streamflow from the disturbed ecosystem. Annual runoff ratios (streamflow: precipitation) at the control site varied from 14% to 40% and followed the pattern of annual precipitation, while disturbed site runoff ratios declined over the three years from 37% to 0%. Stable isotope fractionation in snowpack, soil water and stream water showed kinetic enrichment only at the disturbed site, demonstrating up to 40% abiotic evaporation of precipitation. Increased snowpack sublimation and soil water evaporation were most likely driven by increases in solar radiation reaching the subcanopy, which increased by ca. 70% in winter and 300 - 350% in the growing season and probable increases in subcanopy turbulence. Collectively, these results indicate that compensatory vapor fluxes counteracted the expected impacts of reduced canopy interception and transpiration. Evaporation and sublimation contributed to maintaining or increasing total annual ecosystem vapor flux, limiting streamflow over one to three years at the spatial scale of a small headwater stream.