Thursday, 15 May 2014: 10:45 AM
Bellmont A (Crowne Plaza Portland Downtown Convention Center Hotel)
To enhance our understanding of turbulent-canopy interactions, a field study was undertaken at the Howland Research Forest in Howland, ME. Year round measurements of turbulence where taken at heights, above, below, and in the live crown. Building on recent work, which has shown the potential of turbulence kinetic energy stationarity as a classifier of the turbulence and wind regimes in the stable boundary layer, we utilize the data to examine intermittency in stable conditions. The field site consists mostly of an old growth Spruce/Fir forest. Stationarity periods were accumulated to examine the energy penetration into the canopy of this site. The initial results show that TKE persistance varies within the forested canopy, with longer values seen above the canopy, and shorter values observed in the open space below the live crown. Additionally, seasonal variations in TKE intensity and persistence will be presented.