Once in a blue moon
Todd Glickman, WCBS Newsradio-880, New York, NY
The American Meteorological Society published the Glossary of Meteorology, second edition last year. Within its 855 pages, you'll find over 12,000 terms defined. Many of these are familiar, but some are not. For example, how many different ways are there to describe the wind around the world? There are also many terms that you won't find in the Glossary, for they are widely misused or scientifically incorrect. This paper will help you identify colorful weather words that can enliven your broadcast, and also help steer you away from those that are better used only once in a blue moon - which is less often than you might think!
Session 2, Present Issues, Ideas, Systems and Products in Broadcast Meteorology: Part I
Tuesday, 25 June 2002, 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
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