| | P5M.1 | The Land and Lake Breezes of the Dongting Lake and the Effects on Precipitation Biyuan Lin Sr., The Meteorological Observatory of Hunan, Changsha, Hunan, China; and X. Wang, N. Li, R. Cai, Z. Li, X. Wu, and L. Hai |
| | P5M.2 | Structure of the wake north of the Alps Vanda Grubisic, DRI, Reno, NV |
| | P5M.3 | Maintenance of a mountain valley cold pool: Numerical study Brian J. Billings, DRI, Reno, NV; and V. Grubisic and R. D. Borys |
| | P5M.4 | Nonhydrostatic mountain waves in flows with directional wind shear James Doyle, NRL, Monterey, CA; and Q. Jiang |
| | P5M.5 | Understanding precipitation enhancement over Long Island, NY using WSR-88D and high resolution simulations Brian A. Colle, Stony Brook Univ./SUNY, Stony Brook, NY; and S. E. Yuter |
| | 5M.0 | The Dynamics and Structure of Flow Through The Columbia River Gorge: The Results of Idealized and Case Study Simulations Justin Sharp, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and C. Mass |
| | P5M.7 | On boundary layer separation in the lee of idealized topography Qingfang Jiang, UCAR Visiting Scientist, NRL, Monterey, CA; and J. D. Doyle |
| | P5M.8 | Effects of Moist Froude Number and Orographic Aspect Ratio on a Conditionally Unstable Flow over a Mesoscale Mountain S.-H. Chen, Univ. of California, Davis, CA; and Y. L. Lin, Z. Zhao, and H. D. Reeves |
| | | Poster P5M.9 Moved, New Paper Number 3M.1A
| | P5M.10 | Assessing the frictional and baroclinic contributions to stratified wake formation: A parameter-space study Jamie B. Smith, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX; and C. C. Epifanio |
| | P5M.11 | A look at the ensemble-mean structure of a breaking mountain wave Tingting Qian, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX; and C. C. Epifanio |
| | P5M.12 | Katabatic flow along a differentially cooled sloping surface in a stratified fluid Alan Shapiro, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and E. Fedorovich |
| | P5M.13 | Ensemble–based simultaneous state and parameter estimation for an idealized nonlinear sea breeze model Altug Aksoy, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX; and F. Zhang and J. W. Nielsen-Gammon |
| | P5M.14 | Large eddy simulation of the onset of the sea breeze Marta Antonelli, Univ. of Genova, Genoa, Italy; and R. Rotunno |