Tuesday, 25 October 2005
Alvarado F and Atria (Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town)
Handout (578.9 kB)
This work presents numerical simulations of one-dimensional cloud model developed by Ferrier and Houze (1989), which has been implemented with non-induction electrification schemes. The cloud model is based on a Cumulus-Nimbus convection that parameterizes the cloud cold phase, and collisions between the different hydrometeors. The electrification scheme is based on the collision-charge transfer among the hydrometeors, and follows the principles of Takahashi (1984) observations for different schemes. Numerical simulations of the cloud model are initialized with vertical profiles of radiosondes from TRMM/LBA-1999 and RACCI/LBA-2002 field campaigns held in Rondonia-State, Brazil. These field campaigns represent the seasonal variability of convection over southwest Amazon, as well as the marked strong lightning activity during the transition from the dry to the wet season, and the moderate activity along break periods of summer monsoon. The numerical simulations are compared with weather radar and lightning measurements. Results showed that this model is able to produce density charged hydrometeors and reasonable break down fields. Some of the differences between monsoon and transition seasons could also be inferred by the model. The 1D electrification model is the first step for the future implementation of these collision-charge schemes in the Brazilian version of Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (BRAMS).