33rd Conference on Broadcast Meteorology


Status and plans for collecting and distributing WSR-88D Data

Timothy Crum, NOAA/NWS, Norman, OK; and R. E. Saffle

The National Weather Service (NWS) is implementing the capability to collect, distribute, and archive Weather Surveillance Radar - 1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) Level II data in real time. In addition, the NWS is revalidating at the list of WSR-88D product data collected for archiving (Level III) and meeting NEXRAD agency operational requirements. The NWS will be asking the private sector for their thoughts on the products collected. This study may result in a new list of products available.

This paper and presentation will provide details on the status and plans for completing the Level II data collection and distribution network. The presentation will also present results on the examination of possible changes to the product data collected and available from the Radar Product Central Collection Dissemination Service multicast.

Session 9, Distant Echoes: Radar Session
Thursday, 17 June 2004, 8:45 AM-9:30 AM

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