33rd Conference on Broadcast Meteorology


Overview of Hurricane Hunter Operations

Chad Gibson, U.S. Air Force Reconnaissance/53rd Weather Squadron, Keesler AFB, MS

This lecture details the history and operations of the world famous "Hurricane Hunters" of the 53 Weather Reconnaissance Squadron. Topics covered: Why we fly into hurricanes, How the Hurricane Hunters collect data, The impact of data collection on hurricane forecasting, and the future of hurricane reconnaissance. Q&A

Lecture by Captain Chad E. Gibson Career Highlights: B.S. in Meteorology from Florida State University Weather Officer for General Tommy Franks in Korean Theater Launch Weather Officer for NASA at Cape Canaveral NWA Broadcast Seal of Approval Former TV meteorologist for several SE CBS affiliates (WVLT, WDEF, WRBL) Flew into Category 4, Hurricane Juliette, recently TS Henri, Hurricane Olaf, Michelle, Claudette, Lili... Currently Working on MA in Communication from University of South Alabama

Session 8, Hurricanes: Hunting, Hedging, & Hyping
Wednesday, 16 June 2004, 4:00 PM-5:45 PM

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