Thursday, 19 April 2018
Champions DEFGH (Sawgrass Marriott)
There exist a plethora of manmade and environmental factors which influence tropical cyclones and atmospheric conditions, two of which being the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHI) and Brown Ocean Effect (BOE). Individually, these phenomena are well understood; however, a scenario where both affect atmospheric conditions simultaneously has not been observed. The hypothesized impacts of such a scenario are explored herein. For this research endeavor the primary method of further comprehension was the elaboration of known processes and impacts along with discussing with meteorologists and researchers such as Doctor Teddy Holt with the United States Naval Research Laboratory. This allowed the ability to reach conclusions on impacts of atmospheric conditions in a broad sense. Research included numerous studies on UHI’s and the BOE along with argumentative papers on overland cyclone intensification, some of which contradicted the National Hurricane Center’s Cyclone Reports. Conclusions though somewhat broad were definitive. These being that a mass influxes of people are migrating to the nation’s coasts which leads to more pronounced UHI’s increasing urban temperatures, that BOE’s cause the atmosphere to mimic a tropical one with minimal temperature variation, and due to a shortage of resources for high school students more research is needed to further this topic’s knowledge. Due to these conclusions, it is necessary to explore this theory further in hopes of protecting and preparing communities and their citizens.